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City of Wine and Hospitality

The medieval town of Bertinoro is known as the Balcony of Romagna because of the magnificent views of the sea, as well as the Romagna lowlands and its hills, enjoyed from every point in the town.

Bertinoro is, most of all, the city of wine and hospitality.

Bertinoro lies among the most suitable hilly territories for viticulture in the area.

Surrounding the town runs about a thousand hectares planted with vines, mainly with the Sangiovese and Albana grape varieties, Refosco and Bombino bianco, both of which have become indigenous as the Cagnina and Pagadebit wines.

The calcareous soils give vines peculiarities different from those usually found in Romagna, in particular characteristics of great structure and longevity. High-quality wines can be tasted and purchased in the many wineries, including the Sangiovese Riserva ‘Bertinoro’.

On the main square is the famous Hospitality Column, which dates back to 1218 and is still a celebrated event in September during the important Hospitality Festival.

During this festival, local people’s homes open up to guests, offering visitors a traditional Romagna lunch.

Down the square stands the Sapere di Vino information trail, the Riserva Storica dei Sangiovesi di Romagna and the Ca’ de Bè wine shop, where the Albana Bell, created to celebrate the D.O.C. (controlled denomination of origin) recognition to Albana di Romagna wine (1987).

Overlooking the hill is the Rocca: beautifully restored, it is now home to the University Centre and the Interfaith Museum.

Dante Alighieri benefited from Bertinoro’s hospitality too: on the hills surrounding the town stands Polenta, where the Lord of Ravenna Guido da Polenta hosted the exiled poet.

The exiled poet certainly stayed in the ancient parish church of Lombard origin still splendidly preserved today.

Fratta Terme, a few kilometres from Bertinoro, in the heart of Romagna, was built around the historic thermal baths, recently restored, and the park of the ancient Roman springs.

The territory is rich in wineries that are members of the Enogastronomic Route of Forlì and Cesena, open to the public to visit and taste the excellent local wines. Antenor and other followers of Aeneas, returning from the Trojan War, reached the Adriatic instead of the Tyrrhenus and founded the first settlement in Casticciano and Fratta area. There is still the Via Tro (Troia) from that time.

Then there was the Roman city (Forum Truentinorum - for some the Troy of Antenor) and now there is Fratta Terme.

Fratta's water, coming from natural springs and from ordinary and bored fountains, is found along the Salso River, 3 km from the Bertinoro Hill.

The springs are saline, iodic, magnesian, arsenic, ferruginous and sulfurous. It is certain that the waters were already used in Roman times, as evidenced by various artifacts found in the area over time.

Thirteen hectares of parkland, seven springs rich in precious mineral salts to be discovered on walks through the greenery, fitness trails, mud baths and thermal baths.

A modern spa, managed according to highly scientific criteria, but at the same time designed to create a state of complete harmony with the body, through relaxation and treatments designed to make people feel healthier.

The spa is home to 'Around Adventures', ( Italy's largest outdoor adventure park, with aerial trails, acrobatic routes and attractions for young and old.

The spa and park are currently closed due to the flood events of May 2023.

This town, very close to Bertinoro, is famous for the Pieve di San Donato in Polenta, a Romanesque basilica dating from before the 10th century, sung by Giosuè Carducci. Carducci's idea that Dante was hosted here by the Polenta lords of Ravenna is now widely accepted. Every year the Raduno Carducciano and cycles of Dante readings are held here. However, very few traces remain of the ancient castle of the Polentani on the top of the nearby hill of the same name. The night view from the Pieve over the valley is magnificent.

The origin of the name Polenta is uncertain. There are reports of the existence of a castle called Antoniano before the year 1000. Besides the Polentana family, who were the lords of Ravenna at the time of Dante's exile, the hill is also known for the church of San Donato, mentioned since the 9th century. It was sung by Carducci, who often visited the hills of Bertino, and it is believed that Dante, a guest of the Polentani in Ravenna, visited this church to pray. Today the Parish Church is shaped like a basilica with exposed beams and a central nave not raised but connected to the lateral ones.

The columns are large and round, in layers of brick and local stone, surmounted by cubic capitals with simple chamfers, with bas-reliefs of geometric arabesques, grotesque animal and human figures, recalling different styles, from Lombard to Byzantine.

A legendary cypress, named in honour of Francesca (da Polenta), Paolo Malatesta's beloved, also contributed to the hill's fame. The church and the cypress are still associated with illustrious names and are destinations for pilgrimages and cultural visits. Marriages are often celebrated in memory of Francesca's love.


Every year in September there is a Carducciano meeting, which brings together scholars and the public around the poet's hermitage, inaugurated in 1932. Two editions (spring and autumn) of the Lecturae Dantis are also held in the parish church.

How to get there: Polenta is 4 km from Bertinoro.
Info: Welcome Room Bertinoro Office 0543 469213 | |

Santa Maria Nuova is the most populated village in Bertinoro. It is known as the birthplace of the poet Aldo Spallicci.

The most populous hamlet of Bertinoro was the birthplace of Aldo Spallicci, doctor and poet, Mazzinian and Garibaldian, government man and constituent of the Italian Republic. In Santa Maria Nuova Spallicci there is a modern dairy, the Caseificio Mambelli, which produces, among other things, the typical "squacquerone" cheese.

How to get there: At the foot of the hill, S. Maria Nuova Spallicci is 8 km from Bertinoro. It can be reached from the Via Emilia by taking Via S. Croce at the Panighina traffic lights.

Info: Welcome Room Bertinoro Office 0543 469213 | 

Distinguished people
of Bertinoro

Wines and Tastes
of Bertinoro

Visit festivals in the land of Forlì...

This itinerary aims to point tourists to the culinary offerings of our land, with a culinary tradition famous throughout Italy.
Romagna, is in fact endowed with very fertile soils from which excellent natural products are obtained that can be enjoyed as soon as they are picked or prepared within sophisticated recipes to be served on the table.
It starts with the best-known and most popular events held in all the towns in the area. In Romagna, in fact, in every season of the year, it is possible to take part in countless festivals.

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