Civitella di Romagna

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Civitella di Romagna is an Italian township belonging to the province of Forlì-Cesena, in the Emilia Romagna region.
It is located 30 km from Forlì, on the foothills of Girone hill and bordering the right bank of the river Ronco- Bidente.
Its history can still be seen through the ancient ruins of the fortress: the tower, rebuilt in Gothic style, with the clock dating back to 1842. The town’s medieval origins are still visible in its structure surrounded by imposing walls. Civitella di Romagna includes the hamlets: Castagnolo, Cigno, Civorio, Collina, Cusercoli, Giaggiolo, Nespoli, Petrella, Pian di Spino, San Paolo in Aquiliano, Seggio, Seguno, Valpondo, Voltre. Cusercoli’s centre stands on a rocky spur dominated by the medieval castle and St. Bonifacio’s church. The hamlet’s history is closely related to the castle, built on the site of a former Roman settlement, whose only remains today are the majestic walls. In the 12th century it was owned by the Archbishops of Ravenna, while in the 14th century the Malatesta family extended it in order to obtain a fortified palace next to the castle, used as the feudal lord’s residence, by adding the second curtain wall.
From 1571 it belonged to the Malatesta, the Manfredi, the Guidi family of Bagno, and the Gottifredi family of Cesena, until it was finally assigned to the Guidi counts. From 1400 they modified the structure, adding hanging gardens and the church of St. Boniface. The Counts Guidi continued spending periods throughout the year in the palace until they completely abandoned it and left it to decay. The state of neglect reached such a point that in 1937 part of the fortress collapsed on the houses, causing 21 casualties.

In 1973, the City Council purchased it. Following studies by Addis Sante Meleti, we know that the urban centre arose before the year 1000, where testimonies speak of Civitella as a ‘walled village’. It was later connected to Sant’Ellero. There were disputes lasting several centuries with the Papal power, Florentine lords and noble families from Romagna, including the Malatesta family. During the 16th century, the Papal State began its direct domination, which ended in 1860 upon annexation to the Kingdom of Italy.

A small ancient village, dominated by the mighty medieval castle of the Conti Guidi, located a few kilometres from Civitella di Romagna. For centuries, the castle has 'dominated' the valley from the rocky spur on which it is built, closing the pass on the road to Tuscany. The Counts Guidi di Bagno had a paper mill built on the riverbank, probably the oldest in Romagna, which remained in operation until the early 20th century.

The small ancient village of Cusercoli, or 'Clusum or Clausum Erculis', stands on a spur of limestone from which it seems to take its name due to the Herculean effort of working this hard compound rock. Along the main street is the 'Purtaza', an ancient gate surmounted by the coat of arms of the Conti Guidi di Bagno, the only way into the village at the time it was built. At the top, the medieval castle of the Conti Guidi, already known in the 11th century, with its annexed church and rectory, with the few remaining frescoes, and bell tower, the parish clock with its ancient mechanism recently restored, the tiny Italian garden and sundials.

In addition, the local cemetery houses 14 valuable glazed terracotta tiles belonging to the school of Luca della Robbia and depicting the Stations of the Cross.

Cusercoli not only offers visitors historical vestiges, but also gastronomic occasions such as the renowned blackthorn fair and the Bidente truffle festival.

Cusercoli is one of the major centres for the production of wreaths and rosaries exported all over the world.

Moreover, in the area it is possible to visit numerous farms and agritourisms belonging to the Wine and Food Trail of the Forlì-Cesena Hills.

How to get there: Along the S.S. 310, Cusercoli is 25 km from Forli, 31 km from the Forlì motorway exit, 28 km from Forlì railway station and 25 km from Ridolfi Airport.

For tourist information: Civitella Tourist Office 0543984319 | 05439843050543984380 |

It is documented that in 1021 the castle of Giaggiolo was a feud ruled by important families such as the Montefeltro and Malatesta. In the 1400s the castle began to decay; an imposing ruin and high walls remain today, enclosing mysteries and memories.

How to get there: The locality of Giaggiolo is about 2 km from Voltre, continuing along the provincial road.

For tourist information: Municipality of Civitella 0543984311


The locality of Nespoli, a hamlet of Civitella, is known to archaeologists for the presence of a Roman villa rustica dating back to the 1st century AD with mosaic and cocciopesto floors. The choice of the settlement's location was evidently due to the valuable dual presence of the river and the magistra road in the valley bottom, which passed through Galeata on its way to Tuscia.

In the memoir of the Nespoli Parish Archive, the church, which belonged to the Valverde Hospital founded in the 6th century by St. Columbanus, had become a parish in 1400. The 'hospitale' of Valverde, together with that of S. Michele di Civitella, already offered clean and ready beds for hospitality in 1573.

How to get there: It can be reached along the S.S. 310 del Bidente road. It is located 4 km from Cusercoli.

For tourist information: Municipality of Civitella 0543984311

It is mentioned in some documents from 1285. It includes the Oratory dedicated to St. Eurasia. Every year, by tradition, the feast of the martyr St. Victor is celebrated on Whitmonday, whose famous relic is kept in the church of Seggio.

How to get there: It is about 3 km from Voltre. Follow the signs.

For tourist information: Municipality of Civitella 0543984311

Traces of this centre can already be found in the Camaldolese Annals (1395). In 1500 it was patronised by the Malatesta family. At the beginning of the century it was a cattle market. It was also the scene of battles between partisans and Germans along the Nazi Gothic Line during World War II.

How to get there: Voltre is 3 km from the town of Cusercoli along the S.S.310 towards Santa Sofia. At a junction, turn left going up via Ugo La Malfa.

For tourist information: Municipality of Civitella 0543984311

A small village over 18 km from Civitella di Romagna, located in the valley towards Cesena, 6 km from the hamlet of Ranchio in the municipality of Sarsina. The church built there is dedicated to S. Apollinare in Classe, testifying to the presence of a religious community. In the church, dating back to 1899, is preserved the Ciborio (dating back to 1600), an ancient heirloom of carved and inlaid wood, decorated with gold and silver leaf.

There is an ancient castle in Civorio dating back to 1037 that dominates and characterises the entire village. All that remains of the fortifications is a bastion of the walls, sections of the same walls supporting some houses, the cistern and some rooms of the fortress with vaulted roofing, now used as a farmhouse. But what is most fascinating is the bastion of the walls, in a fairly good state of preservation. Another peculiarity is the presence of maclura plants with characteristic green fruits, originating from the regions of North America, planted around 1920 by the parish priest D. Tassinari.

How to get there: From Voltre following the signs for 5 km. Or from Civitella following the signs for Civorio.

For tourist information:  Municipality of Civitella 0543984311

Typical proucts of Civitella di Romagna

Visit festivals in the land of Forlì...

This itinerary aims to point tourists to the culinary offerings of our land, with a culinary tradition famous throughout Italy.
Romagna, is in fact endowed with very fertile soils from which excellent natural products are obtained that can be enjoyed as soon as they are picked or prepared within sophisticated recipes to be served on the table.
It starts with the best-known and most popular events held in all the towns in the area. In Romagna, in fact, in every season of the year, it is possible to take part in countless festivals.

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