Typical products

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Among the typical products of the gastronomic culture of Civitella we find the cherry, the truffle, the blackthorn, the classic Romagna piadina, the tortello in the slab and much more…

roviggiolo CHEESE

Fresh cheese made from unpasteurised cow’s milk, typical of the upper Bidente valley, in particular Civitella, Galeata and S. Sofia.

Once prepared, it is wrapped in fern leaves, giving it a delicate fragrance.

It is shaped in the container in which it was placed, due to its soft and fragile consistency.

There are references to this cheese in Pellegrino Artusi famous book ‘L’arte del mangiar bene’ (The Art of Eating Good), which in 1910 indicated Raviggiolo as an ingredient for cappelletti di Romagna.


Typical yellow wine of various intensities with a dry and harmonious flavor. It is usually paired with typical local dishes such as tasty meats, piadina romagnola, sausages, cold cuts and mature cheeses.

The “Trebbiano di Romagna” registered with controlled designation of origin, must be obtained by grapes coming from vineyards having the following ampelographic composition: “Trebbiano Romagnolo”: from 85% to 100%; other white grapes, suitable for cultivation in the Emilia-Romagna region, may be added, alone or jointly, up to a maximum of 15%.

For new plantings the minimum density of vines must not be less than 2,500 vines per hectare.

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