Parish Church of San Martino all’oppio

A Christian testimony of the 10th century, it is certainly the most interesting monument of the city. Founded around the 10th century, it has undergone several reconstructions and the current structure dates from the second half of the 1500s. After several collapses, it continued to be rebuilt until the radical restoration of the years 1933-40. Inside, in a predominantly Romanesque style, though contrasted by the Baroque forms of the altars, noteworthy are the stone columns, all in one piece, that support the lateral arches. Also of value are the beamed and coffered ceilings above the presbytery. Worth seeing are some oil paintings on canvas from the 16th century, among which the Madonna del Carmine by Jacopo Vignali.

The parish church is the most valuable monument in the town, located just outside the center, beyond the ancient hamlet of Marciolame. According to tradition, the Romanesque church was built around the year 1000 on the ruins of a pre-existing Roman temple dedicated to the goddess Diana. In fact, a number of archaeological artifacts found in and around the site are preserved in the rectory.

There is no information on its origins, probably it stood already in the 10th century, since in 1022 it was donated by Emperor Frederick I to St. Romuald. Over the centuries it underwent several renovations and the current structure dates back to the second half of the ?500s, the last major restoration was following the earthquake of 1918 and was carried out between 1933 and 1944. On this occasion, the new bell tower was added (1936), replacing the previous one, which was sail-shaped. The interior of the church has a typical Tuscan Renaissance spatiality; it is basilical with three naves and seven bays on eight columns and four square pillars. The Romanesque columns are contrasted by the presence of eight Baroque altars, one of which is dedicated to the Blessed Virgin of Good Counsel, an ancient confraternity dating back to 1826 (the original statutes are in the Florence State Archives), although its history is much older, as there are records in the archives dating back to 1641. Also of unquestionable value are the trussed ceiling and the coffered ceiling above the choir. Not to be missed are some 16th century oil paintings on canvas, including the Madonna del Carmine by Jacopo Vignali. Because of its excellent acoustics, the church is often used for musical and choral events. St. Martin is the patron saint of Premilcuore; on the façade of the Pieve di San Martino you can admire a rose window with his image.

Opening hours on weekdays: Visits upon request.

Opening hours on holidays: Open on Sundays during religious services.

How to get there: The parish church can be seen just before entering the village.

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