National Park of the Casentino Forests

The National Park of the Casentino Forests, Monte Falterona and Campigna presents an extraordinary biodiversity, of both animals and plants; the woods, prairies, mountains, streams and numerous animal species that populate the park are harmoniously integrated with places of historical, cultural and religious interest.

The park extends over 36400 hectares straddling Romagna and Tuscany; the Romagna side includes the Montone, Rabbi and Bidente valleys and can be discovered (thanks to the approximately 600 km of the trail network) with pleasant excursions on foot, mountain bike and horseback or, in winter, with touring skis and snowshoes. In addition to the more difficult trekking routes, for expert hikers, there are also 9 “Sentieri Natura” (Nature Trails) in the Park territory, short, easy itineraries along which there are observation points accompanied by information boards to illustrate the peculiarities of the environment and provide an initial tool to discover the territory. In addition, in Campigna and Badia Prataglia, two ‘Paths for all… the senses’ have been set up dedicated to anyone approaching hiking.

Visitor Centres are distributed throughout the territory, as important access and orientation facilities for the visitor, each dedicated to a specific theme inherent to the area in which it is located. In addition to the Visitor Centres, there are some useful Information Points. Also located within the Park,there are facilities such as: the Valbonella Botanical Garden (in the municipality of S. Sofia), the Arboretum and the “Siemoni” Forestry Museum in Badia Prataglia, the “G. Campadelli” Forestry Museum in Badia Prataglia and the “G. Campadelli” G. Campadelli” Forestry Museum in Campigna. Throughout the area there are many rest areas equipped with tables and benches, some also with stoves and drinking water fountains.

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