The Roman Gate (facing Forlì) was one of the two entrances to the fortress city of Terra del Sole together with the Florentine Gate.
The Roman Gate (facing towards Romagna) is overlooked by the Governor’s Castle (or Capitano della Piazza) and can be reached by walking through the Guard Corps. The gate was defended by a drawbridge, which was raised by means of two gates, obstructing the gate, the portcullis and the machicolations. With the demilitarization of Terra del Sole, the castle of Porta Romana became the seat of the Grand Ducal customs house. The construction, between 1836 and 1839, of the important Via Regia di Romagna ( now S.S. 67 ) meant that the customs house became the FIRST CLASS. Large quantities of goods passed through here to and from Florence and from here brigandage and smuggling were combated, such as the Passatore gang. From the customs officers of Terra del Sole Garibaldi sought refuge in 1849.
How to get there: By car SS 67 Tosco-Romagnola 9 km from Forlì
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