Outdoor Sculpture Park

Connected to the Contemporary Art Gallery, the Outdoor Sculpture Park was established in 1993. The idea behind the project is to integrate the works with the landscape and the history of the area, creating a direct dialogue between art and the environment.

The sculptures, by renowned artists, are placed along a path that winds from the center of Santa Sofia, starting from the Giorgi Park (of the Resistance) and then descending into the riverbed of the Bidente, along a river path to Capaccio. The “open-air museum” is constantly evolving with the installation of new works.

  1. Santa Sofia ’93 by Mauro Staccioli (1993)
    The three giant cement circles are placed, almost poised, at the Giorgi palace park (” Parco della Resistenza) 0.
  2. Under the Ginkgo Tree by Hidetoshi Nagasawa (2001).
    A work by Japanese artist Nagasawa, created in 2001 and placed in the Parco della Resistenza; it is completely buried under the branches of a ginkgo biloba tree.
  3. The Exile of Ulysses by Anne and Patrick Poirier (1997).
    Created by French artists Anne and Patrick Poirier, it consists of a small “building” that is almost unfinished or in its ruins state with a series of elements around it: a boat, an eye, part of a column.
  4. Constructive 96 by Nicola Carrino (1996).
    Work is placed on the bed of the Bidente river in the locality of Bellavista; it is composed of 15 elements (sandstone blocks measuring 1x1x2 meters), some on the ground, others placed one on top of the other.
  5. The paths of the sky by Eliseo Mattiacci (1994).
    It consists of a concrete structure on which two metal rails rest, reconciling heaviness and lightness.
  6. House by Luigi Mainolfi (1995)
    Situated in the natural context of the Bidente riverbed (Bellavista locality); looking at the work, it seems to be in front of a post-atomic dwelling with an elongated shape.
  7. Stele to the fallen of the Ridracoli reservoir by Francesco Somaini (1994).
    Stele in the center of a fountain, created in 1994 and commissioned by Romagna Acque in the center of Capaccio, in memory of those who fell during the construction of the Ridracoli dam.
  8. SUF S. Sofia by Cuoghi Corsello (2008).
    Large wooden work in which curved, sinuous lines appear. It is intended for a physical stop that can become mental, in a playful and imaginative interpretation.
  9. VIA by Chiara Pergola (2010-2014).
    The work, placed on the façade of the building called Mereria, the former seat of the Municipality, consists of a shaped mirror that is a sculptural representation of a stretch of the Bidente River, which draws a soft curve as it crosses the town of Santa Sofia.
  10. The Garden of Pisiché by Giulio De Mitri (2016).
    On boulders of stone, the local sandstone, lie dozens of mirrored steel butterflies.
  11. IN-ES (Nest) by Giuseppe Maraniello (2014-2015).
    The work, placed on a cyclopean rock from the Corniolo landslide, blends in perfectly with the surrounding river environment: a large bronze nest made up of many small branches in which are “imprisoned” the symbolic elements that represent Maraniello’s unmistakable signature.
  12. Black Avorio by Flavio Favelli (2018).
    The work consists of an assembly of wrought iron gates welded together to form an imaginative architecture, a kind of improbable tower.
  13. The Drift is the Knot in My Sissi Throat (2009-2022).
    A metal dome looms over the Piazzetta Milleluci, enclosing Sissi’s work. The viewer is confronted with an assemblage of ceramic anatomical elements, a kind of charnel house resurrected from the waters that washed away and corroded the body.
  14. Truncated Cone by Arnaldo Pomodoro (1972 – installed in 2020)
    A mysterious monolith rises above the riverbed of the Bidente: a bronze truncated cone, sliced and pierced by a sharp steel blade. Stretched upward, as if moved by the wish to expand into space and challenge the sky, but broken and damaged to the core, the cone reflects the restless consciousness of our time; the fracture that cuts through the cone reflects the impermanence and suffering that dreams of domination over earth and space inevitably bring.

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