A picturesque route along a ridge bordering to the south-west a landscape characterised by calanchiferous formations, covered with broom: in springtime the vegetation creates a chromatic explosion that makes every step unforgettable. The environment is populated by roe deer, hares and pheasants, which can be easily spotted.

The start is in front of the entrance of the Thermal Baths in Viale Marconi; from here you reach Piazza Mazzini and then continue along Via delle Sorgenti to the small bridge near the old kiln. Immediately after the bridge, turn left into Via Rio Cozzi and, after 50 metres, leave the main asphalted road right onto the gravel road that begins to climb towards the hill (the diversions is indicated by the sign on the retaining wall).

Continuing along the gravel road, past the house of the Mezza Collina farm, you ascend between characteristic hawthorn hedges and, as the road surface becomes unpaved, you reach the summit of the ridge, taking the road that connects Converselle to Monte Poggiolo. At the crossroads you turn left in the direction of Converselle. From the church of Converselle, retrace your steps for about a hundred metres and then follow, to the right, the asphalt road that descends to the valley floor.

Continue along the main asphalted road that runs alongside the Rio del Piano until you return to the bridge near the old kiln; from here, taking Via delle Sorgenti, you return to the village.

Route: Castrocaro Terme – Monte Calvario – Half-Hill – Croce – Verna – Converselle -Castrocaro Terme.
Departure: Spa Entrance
Route: ring-shape
Time required: 3 hours
Height difference in ascent: 150 m
Length: 12 km
Prevalent environment: valley, coast, ridge
Type of road: asphalted, unpaved

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