The small Church of S. Maria del Pantano is nestled in a picturesque hilly landscape on the left side of the Bidente River.
The first mention of the church dates back to 1295, the year of its consecration, but its origins must be older, probably dating back to the early Middle Ages. An Augustinian monastery was annexed to the church.
Over the centuries, the religious center acquired a particular importance as a civil center, indeed, the Pantano was the setting of a fair where Tuscan and Romagna goods were sold, considering the peculiar geographical position of this outpost of Tuscany facing the land of Romagna” (C. Mambrini).
The Romanesque façade (11th-12th century) in sandstone blocks, is enriched by a beautiful portal with capitals decorated with elegant acanthus leaves. The interior, with a single nave and a wooden roof, is very simple and unadorned.
The church preserves several frescoes: one dating back the first part of 14th century, depicting the Madonna of Humility with the Child in her arms, surrounded by two groups of angels, and two fragmentary ones, also depicting the Madonna, inspired by the Tuscan style of the late 15th century. Removed from their original place, they are currently kept in the historical-artistic section of the “Mons. Domenico Mambrini’ Civic Museum in Pianetto.
Opening hours: Open on request.
Admission fee: Free entrance.
How to get there: Galeata is about 34 km. from Forlì along the provincial road.
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