Wines and Tastes of Bertinoro

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Bertinoro gold

Albana is Romagna’s white wine par excellence, exclusively and traditionally produced.
It was the first white wine in Italy to be recognised as DOCG in 1987.
Born as a peasant’s classic sweet wine, today Albana is experiencing a rediscovery, winemakers today discovering how much satisfaction this ancient grape variety, which only grows in Romagna, can give.

Albana di Romagna is a peculiar wine, characterised by a rare presence of tannins in white wines.
The characteristically straw-yellow color is slightly golden, with floral and fruity aromas.
Some say the wine is a red disguised as a white: it shows the body and structure of a red wine, and some producers are starting to mature in wood.
The finesse and roundness offered by this white wine allows excellent passito wines to be produced.


Sangiovese is the most representative red wine in Romagna and reflects all the peculiarities of this territory.
Bertinoro wineries selected it as representing the specific terroir of this area.
The geographical note ‘Bertinoro’ may be used only for production for the ‘king’ of wines: Romagna Sangiovese DOC Riserva.

Sangiovese is well suited both to the production of young, very colorful wines due to the considerable quantity of anthocyanins in its skin, as well as to produce very long-lived wines that, through maturation, can soften its marked and characteristic acidity, becoming a highly appreciated and complex wine.

Sangiovese’s aromas are predominantly oriented to red and black fruits including black cherry, blackberry, plum and blueberry.
Depending on how the grapes are grown and ripened may also possess floral aromas, especially violet and rose.

Cagnina di Romagna

Cagnina is normally consumed young, immediately after the grape harvest, i.e. just one week after vinification, accompanying it with sweets, dry pastries and roasted chestnuts.
A wine with red color of ripe pomegranate, the bouquet is vinous with clear hints of strawberry, raspberry and morello cherry and the flavor is pleasant, fruity and soft.


Pagadebit owes its preservation especially to the local winegrowers: since 1963 the producers could include the geographical indication ‘Bertinoro’ on their labels.
Pagadebit is a vine cultivated to produce white grapes and its name is due to the robustness and resistance of its berries which, even in bad years, always ensured the production of a certain minimum quantity allowing the winemaker to ‘pay the debts’ resulting from the work involved with tending the vineyard throughout the year.
A delicate straw colour with greenish or slightly golden hues, a fruity and floral/vegetable bouquet, an excellent intensity and a pleasant persistence. The taste is decidedly dry, excellent freshness without being aggressive.


From an over 100-year-old Sangiovese vineyard destined for decay, it was discovered a particular grape variety later called ‘il Barbarossa’.

Its name comes from the tawny Emperor Alemanno who lived for two years in the Fortress of Bertinoro, known as ‘Barbarossa’.

With a deep burgundy red color tending towards orange, it has an austere, intense and persistent perfume reminiscent of withered rose and violet.

Barbarossa is an exclusive grape variety of Fattoria Paradiso.


Squacquerone di Romagna’ (Squaquaron) is an ancient cheese, closely related to the rural environment, when it was common to produce and consume it during winter.

What its main characteristic is a very soft cheese, the shape is round lying on itself (hence the name), there is no rind, the flavor is particularly reminiscent of pleasantly sour milk.

Seasoning is not carried out and it is produced year-round. Great for spreading on Piadina.

In 2012, it received D.O.P. (Protected Designation of Origin) certification.

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