Spring Festivals

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April and May are the richest in events and village festivals dedicated to the typical gastronomic products, with the aim of preserving tradition and spreading knowledge of the customs and traditions of the area. Travelling through the countryside of Romagna and taking part in the region’s festivals, you will discover typical and indispensable products and get to know the flavors that distinguish them.

Going towards the Tramazzo Valley, you can visit one of the many gastronomic festivals in Tredozio. This small town offers a very special festival in April: Sagra e il Palio dell’uovo (Egg Festival), born in 1964 to enhance the ancient custom of beating hard-boiled eggs, which took place on Easter Day in the nearby parish of Ottignana. Dating back to undated times, the beating of hard-boiled eggs was (and still is) widespread in other centers of Italy, in support of this ancient tradition of peasant origin. The festival is enlivened by exhibitions (handicrafts, art, photography), shows with street artists, games involving the public (the classic fishing for the giant egg, the piñata). Tasting of typical products all based on eggs: pasta, omelets and sweets. The core of the festivities is the Medieval Festival, which consists of a challenge between the 4 districts of the city in the riverbed, in the area in front of the central Piazza Jacopo Vespignani in the town center. The victory of the Palio, which renews the annual challenge between the 4 districts, is preceded by a historical parade in medieval costume. The unique and exclusive theme of the Palio competitions is the egg, both raw and hard-boiled; there are four competitions for the Palio, as there are for the Rioni: the most spectacular remains, without a doubt, the raw “Battle of the Eggs”, in which the Rioni pairs alternate in a game of skill and precision, with 600 eggs thrown in each round. Fun and spectacular are the “Egg in the Haystack” contest, in which participants search for about 200 hard-boiled eggs hidden in a large haystack, and the “Egg on Target” contest, in which raw eggs are thrown at a maxi target, with the opposing team trying to stop them with a wooden shovel; and finally the “Tug of War” on the riverbank contest, in which the two teams are positioned on opposite banks.

Two other interesting festivals take place during this period: the Stridolo Festival (Bladder Campion Festival) in Galeata and the Sangiovese Festival in Modigliana. The first is an event that takes place on the last Sunday of April and is entirely dedicated to a typical plant of our area: the bladder campion. The bladder campion (silene vulgaris) is one of the most tasty wild plants that grow here. It is eaten both raw and cooked, grows in both uncultivated and cultivated areas, is rich in vitamin C and has diuretic properties. Its name derives from the characteristic squeak that the leaves make when rubbed together; the calyx-shaped flowers are small, white or pink. The second festival is held on the fourth Sunday of April in Modigliana, it is called Sangiovese in festa: during the day the protagonist is Sangiovese, one of the most famous and widespread Italian wines throughout the country; it can be tasted with typical dishes at the food stalls, while it is possible to enjoy the  festival’s attractions such as folk dances, street shows, clowns, fakirs and street market.

In May, it is possible to take part in many local festivals and to taste various delicacies. For example, in the first days of the month, one of the most famous festivals is the Strawberry Festival, which takes place in Fratta Terme, between Forlimpopoli and Bertinoro. During this day, this delicious fruit is presented and served in various ways, usually accompanied by ice cream, cream, custard and many other types of sweets. Wines and liqueurs made with strawberries are also available.

Also in May, another important event is the Blackthorn Festival in Cusercoli. The blackthorn mushroom is considered by many to be one of the most delicious products of our land. It grows in spring in the meadows and fields near the chestnut woods and is celebrated by the village with a festival dedicated to it. During the event, there are food stalls and direct sales of the product (lasagna, polenta, pasta, eggs and blackthorn escalopes), as well as music performances in the streets. On this occasion, it is possible to visit the “nature trail of plants and mushrooms” and the hanging gardens of the Cusercoli Castle.

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