Parade Ground – Terra del Sole

The central Piazza D’Armi (56 x 65 m), also known as the ‘Piazza Maggiore’, constituted a true urban ‘navel’ of the city according to the scheme of the ‘city on a human scale’ outlined by Francesco di Giorgio Martini. Once a month the Garrison Companies would gather in the Square for drills and for being “resigned” by the “Governor of Arms”.

In addition, on the second Sunday of each month, the square hosted the “descriptives” of the bands: thus they were “resigned” by their Captain and the Officers taught them to walk in “order”, double the rows front and back, and show them how to be sentries. Once a year, during the Patronal Feast of Our Lady of Graces on the third Sunday in May, the General Meeting of the soldiers of the Presidium with the Band was organized in the square.

Additional notes: Considered one of the 25 most beautiful squares in the Emilia-Romagna region.

Directions: By car SS n° 67 Tosco-Romagnola, 10 km from Forlì.

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