Legal notes

Legal notes

This page explains any limitations on the use of the contents of this website and external linked websites.
All the contents of this website are the exclusive responsibility and intellectual property of the relevant municipalities.

Website use

Redazione Locale Turismo Forlivese informs that changes in the contents of the website (and these notes) may be made at any time and without notice, without this entailing any liability for any problems of any nature caused directly or indirectly by access to the website, by the inability or impossibility of accessing it, by reliance on the news contained therein or by their use.

Access to linked external websites

The links to external websites indicated on this website are provided merely as a service to users, with the exclusion of all liability for the correctness and completeness of the links indicated.
Redazione Locale Turismo Forlivese therefore assumes no responsibility whatsoever in relation to the legitimacy, completeness and correctness of the contents of the linked websites.


Texts, images, photos and other content on this website are protected by copyright and may not be reproduced, distributed and/or transmitted to third parties, fully or partly, without the authorisation of the Redazione Locale Turismo Forlivese.
In particular, the use of the logo of is prohibited without the express authorisation of the Redazione Locale, with the exception of the Municipalities that are part of it and of the Emilia Romagna Region.


The information on this page also applies to users’s use of materials downloadable from this website.

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Comune di Forlì
Comune di Forlì


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Send a feedback to the Tourist Information Office of the relevant Municipality. Go to the tourist offices page.

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