The walls of Terra del Sole, first begun in 1564 and completed in 1568, cover a total of 2,022 linear meters, they are 12.36 meters high and equipped at the corners with four bastions – S. Maria, S. Reparata, S. Andrea and S. Martino.

The walls, which were initiated on 8 December 1564 and completed on 10 November 1568, according to the 1864’s document Catasto Toscano, extend for a total of 2022 linear meters. In July 1568, Giovanni Camerini, engineer of the fortress, informed Duke Cosimo ‘that everything has been finished’.

The layout is that of a rectangle with four bastions at the corners, each dedicated to a saint: S. Reparata, S. Maria, S. Andrea and S. Martino. In recent years, the bastion walls have undergone a major restoration, which began in 1983 and restarted, after an interruption, in 1998. The defense of the citadel was mainly entrusted to the ramparts, where firearms were concentrated. A plinth runs at the foot of all the walls, where a rivulet of water serves to ‘counter-mine’. The water channel fed eight fishponds placed in the bastions to defend the thrones, the casemates and the large fishpond, facing the Porta Fiorentina, equipped with a drawbridge. A patrol path ran along the entire course of the walls, interspersed with sixteen sentry boxes equipped with small windows for ‘muraglia carabiners’ to guard the sentries.

How to get there: By car SS 67 Tosco-Romagnola 9 km from Forlì.

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