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Museum of Ecology and Visitor Centre Mirco Bravaccini

The Church dates back to 1523 and has long been deconsecrated. It has an original architecture with a tympanum-free façade and an elegant projecting frame. Recently restored, the building has housed the ‘Mirco Bravaccini’ Museum of Ecology and Visitor Centre of the Bosco di Scardavilla Oriented Nature Reserve since November 2003.

The exhibition is divided into two sections dedicated to specific topics:

Romagna in time (natural history of the territory of Romagna), Romagna in space (biodiversity in Romagna).

Entrance fee:
Access to the Museum is free on days of ordinary opening, opening on request and extraordinary opening (one holiday per month).

Special openings (for groups of at least 15 people and for a maximum duration of 2 hours) are subject to payment: up to 15 people € 50 total, in addition to this number a fee (for all) per person of €3.00 applies.

Opening times:
Tuesday and Saturday mornings from 9.00 am to 1.00 pm; open on request every morning by telephone.

For organisational reasons and due to the limited internal spaces, the visit for large groups, with more than 30 people, is to be agreed and booked.

The Museum is closed on New Year’s, Epiphany, Easter and Christmas days, 1st May and 25th April.

Opening on request:
On Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday mornings the museum is open from 9.00 am to 1.00 pm by telephone appointment by calling the museum management at the landline number +39.0543.499405.

Opening periods:
Tuesday and Saturday mornings from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.; one holiday per month based on annual programming and scheduling

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