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Madonna del Cantone Sanctuary

This small 15th-century sanctuary was built out of devotion to an image of the Virgin Mary. Built near the corner of the apse of the Parish Church, now the Cathedral, it presumably dates back to the 15th century. It was realised to give protection to the image of the Madonna frescoed on the wall, although over the centuries it was enriched with decorations and furnishings.

On the façade, which was rebuilt in recent times, various epigraphs are inscribed for escaped dangers in the city. Inside: Madonna delle Grazie, fresco by the Faenza school of the 16th century. La peste, la fame, la guerra, il terremoto, le quattro lunette (Plague, famine, war, earthquake, the four lunettes), oils on canvas, painted between 1858 and 1863 by Silvestro Lega, now kept at the Bishop’s Palace, once adorned the walls of the small Sanctuary (where copies are placed in their original place). They represent the calamities from which the Madonna protected Modigliana.


Weekday and holiday opening hours: Worship hours.

Opening period: All year round.

How to get there: Piazza G. Matteotti, in the centre of Modigliana.

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