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Church of Santa Maria delle Nevi

Old parish church known since 1124.

This small church, characterized by a single nave with a wooden truss roof, preserves inside the ancient ceramic tile of the Majesty of Valbagota. The church was first mentioned in 1124, when the papal bull of Callistus II recognized it as belonging to the Abbey of San Benedetto in Alpe. From 1360 to 1857, when it became a parish, it was connected to the church of San Lorenzo in Premilcuore. Completely rebuilt in 1597, it was renovated in 1950 to repair the damage suffered during the last war. In 1959 the building underwent a new and radical intervention, a renovation to which we owe its present modern appearance.

Opening hours: Visits upon request.

How to get there: From Premilcuore follow the directions for Fiumicello.

Premilcuore Visitor Center and Information Office

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