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Zannetti Palace

This historic mansion, owned by the city, was the home of the illustrious Zannetti family of Galeata (the façade bears the family crest: a rampant lion). Among the most important members of the family was Ferdinando Zannetti (1801 – 1881), a doctor and professor of anatomy and physiology in Florence.

Historical villa bought by the Municipality of Galeata. The palace is developed along three floors, the lower one is porticoed. On the facade there is an interesting Latin epigraph, dated 1777, that shows the hospitality offered by the Zannetti family to the Grand Duke of Tuscany Pietro Leopoldo in 1777. In the portal there is the family coat of arms.


Opening hours on weekdays: Can be visited from outside.

How to get there: Galeata is 34 km from Forlì, along the provincial road n. 4 of the Bidente. The building is in the historical center of Galeata.

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