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The first reference to the abbey is found in the Annales Camalduleses, where it is mentioned among the most important monasteries in the area.

In 1431, the beatified Ambrogio Traversari, one of the most important humanists of the 15th century, was invested here with the office of Prior General.

Under Napoleonic suppression, the Camaldolese had to leave their monastery, which, in 1805 was bought by the Forlì banker Domenico Manzoni, patron of the great sculptor Antonio Canova.

In 1895, the Manzoni family entrusted the Abbey to Sister Serafina Farolfi, foundress of the Poor Clare order, which now still has its seat here. Until 1946, it housed the urn with the relics of Saints Pascasius, Maglorius and Samson. Following World War II in 1955, the Abbey was restored and partially rebuilt on the old plan.

Mass hours: Mon to Sat 07.40. Sunday 8.00 a.m.

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