A palace overlooking the triangular Piazza Garibaldi, it has hosted community decisions over the centuries. It is dominated by the high Clock Tower or Torre Civica: on top of it a clock dating back to the last decades of the 1500s struck the hours and a bell would call out on special occasions to all men between the ages of 15 and 60. The bell, which dates back to 1780, was “condemned” during the last war to be melted down to make cannons from it, but thrown into the void on a bed of sand, it remained almost intact, decreeing its own salvation and returning to its original place.

An eighteenth-century statue depicting Our Lady of Sorrows is also set on the tower: the sword that pierces the Virgin’s heart, on the other hand, is much older, and was in fact made by a Brescian gunsmith in 1542.

Can only be visited externally.

How to get there: It is located in the central town square, Piazza Garibaldi.

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