It was built starting in 1632. It has a beautiful baroque façade in worked bare stone. Inside, with a single nave, stucco decorations and sculptures from the 18th and 19th century. The altarpiece depicts the Madonna and Child with St. Francis of Assisi (1754) by Francesco Caccianiga. In 1730 the two side altars dedicated to Sant’Antonio Abate and S. Nicolò da Tolentino were built. The two polychrome wooden statues of the titular saints probably date from the same period. Among the sculptures there are S. Luigi Gonzaga (1856) and S. Francesco de Sales (1860). The statues were made of plastered gauze, with terracotta heads and hands, by the priest and plastic artist Giovanni Utili.
The works within this Oratory are part of the Meldola collection of the “Museo diffuso dell ‘Ausl della Romagna” Click Here to learn more.
Reduced rate: Free visits
Entrance fee: Visits are free
Accessibility: Via Cavour is the main road that crosses Meldola.
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