The Castel dell’Alpe mill is located 6 km from the village on the SP3 Rabbi road towards Florence at the confluence of the Piani dell’Alpe ditch and the Rabbi river (with reference to the ANAS Cantoniera house on the right, turn left towards the river and go on for about one kilometer).
The mill with two millstones, one fixed (millstone at the bottom) and the other movable (millstone at the top), replaces the previous one, which was completely destroyed by a flood in 1583 and was rebuilt in a safer and more convenient place; from then on it remained in operation until 1960 and was also equipped with a department for cutting and working wood, always using the power of the water.
In 1891 it was bought by the Biondi family, who have always managed it and restored it to its former splendor in the 90s.
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